mardi 1 octobre 2013

Actualités OVNI Paris Octobre 2013

Les extraterrestres ont-ils débarqué en Angleterre?

ALIENS — Des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert à Wakefield en Angleterre des organismes provenant de l'espace. Il s'agirait de la première preuve de vie extraterrestre sur terre.
Cette découverte va-t-elle changer le cours de l'histoire? Des scientifiques de l'Université de Sheffield affirment avoir trouvé à Wakefield (West Yorkshire) des preuves de vie extraterrestre, informe The Telegraph.
Au mois d'août, ils ont lancé un ballon spécialement conçu à 27 km au-dessus de la surface de la terre lors d'une pluie d'étoiles filantes dite des Perséides. Objectif: prélever des échantillons via des capteurs déclenchés uniquement entre 22 et 27 km. A son retour, le ballon a atterri à Wakefield. Surprise: l'équipe découvre dessus des organismes microscopiques mais d'une taille bien trop grande selon eux pour faire partie de notre système.

La gendarmerie nationale prend le dossier des OVNIs au sérieux!

Nous vous présentons aujourd’hui le travail que Jean Pierre Troadec a fait récemment. C’est un travail important car il touche une entité administrative, militaire, qui œuvre quotidiennement à faire du phénomène ovni, une affaire sérieuse ! Le travail fait par les gendarmes est unique au monde, c’est tout un pays qui est couvert par des enquêteurs professionnels qui feront leur maximum pour rapporter des témoignages avec une précision souvent exemplaire et supérieure à ce qu’on voit bien généralement sur le net de la part de prétendus enquêteurs ovni.

Démission de John Tomlinson du MUFON France

John Tomlison est à l'origine du vrai démarrage de la branche française du MUFON. Après avoir oeuvré pendant 5 ans, il a vu ses efforts couronnés de succès par la venue de Dave MacDonald, alors Directeur éxecutif du MUFON, à Paris en janvier 2013, où il a pu rencontrer de nombreux responsables ufologiques français. Cette réunion a marqué le vrai point de départ du développement actuel du MUFON France.
John étant également en charge du développement international du MUFON il a souhaité se consacrer exclusivement à cette tâche en démissionnant de la Direction du MUFON France. Il s'agit d'une décision personnelle et non d'une sollicitaion de la Direction Nationale.
La Direction Nationale du MUFON France remercie vivement John, pour le travail acccompli et lui souhaite une excellente réussite dans ses nouvelles fonctions.


Nous y voilà: 20 ans ! 20 ans qu'UFOmania magazine vous propose articles de presse, enquêtes, sujets de réflexion, critiques de livres et annonces en tous genres sur l'ufologie…
Qui l'eut cru ? Ce qui était au départ, presque une provocation—à une époque où il existait une bonne douzaine de revues sur le marché—est devenu au fil des années l'un des rares magazines ufologiques en version papier et surtout le seul trimestriel ufologique francophone. C'est dire si notre abnégation a permis de structurer un réseau de correspondants qui aujourd'hui est fidélisé autour d'une grosse centaine de lecteurs.

Le MUFON prévoit une extension de ses cours d'enquêteurs vers divers spécialités

Le service des enquêtes du Mufon France annonce une évolution future de ses cours d’enquêteurs en intégrant à son cursus des cours mis au point par des spécialistes dans divers domaines.
Ainsi, Max, membre du réseau des enquêteurs sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés du Mufon France, est un expert en aéronautique et il travaille déjà sur la mise en forme d’une formation spécialisée avec deux ou trois niveaux.

 Alien Intervention and Souls: A look into the Reality of Human Life

"The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the Bosnian Pyramid discovery by Dr. Semir Osmangich, archaeological research by Dr. Klaus Dona, and evidence of ancient civilizations newly reported by the work of Michael  Tellinger.

This, combined with the work done by Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin deciphering ancient Sumerian text and comparing it to the Christian Bible and other, what we consider, oldest written accounts of ancient earth, present a compelling story for a new version of our history, the evolution theory of man-kind, and the interaction we have had in the past and are presently experiencing with civilizations from other planets in our solar system and across the universe. The material in the Law of One and in Marshall Vian Summers Allies Briefings and many other accounts clearly depict a version of the earth as a planet in a very populated part of the universe that has been colonized, observed and interfered with since before our recorded time and that the earth’s surface has undergone transformations eliminating some of these civilizations....."

48 Percent Of Americans Believe UFOs Could Be ET Visitations

In the HuffPost/YouGov poll, conducted between Sept. 6-7, 1,000 adults were asked if they either believed or didn't believe that some people have witnessed UFOs that have an extraterrestrial origin.
When YouGov offered respondents the choice between "slightly disagree," "disagree" and "strongly disagree," those numbers added up to 35 percent who are skeptical of the notion that any UFOs may be alien-related.
However, nearly half of the adults surveyed (48 percent) resounded in the affirmative, leaving 16 percent who indicated that they weren't sure on either side of the ET issue..

Unafraid of alienating themselves

Two Maine men who claim they were abducted by extraterrestrials aren't shy about retelling their stories.
By their own account, there may be no good, earthly reason for Jim Weiner and Chuck Foltz to do what they plan to this weekend....
Yet on Sunday evening before a crowd of strangers and old friends, the two longtime buddies will recount in stunning detail their recollection of the night, nearly 40 years ago, when they say they and two others were plucked from a canoe on Eagle Lake in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway and taken aboard an alien spacecraft.
The case was the subject of a 1993 book, "The Allagash Abductions," by longtime UFO investigator Raymond E. Fowler, which bills itself as "undeniable evidence of alien intervention" into human life. The tome is a relatively straightforward account of how Fowler encountered the four men, interviewed them and had them undergo regression hypnosis -- a form of guided relaxation that purports to allow people to retrieve lost or repressed memories.

The new equation for estimating alien life across the universe

How many other inhabited planets are there? It's a question that fascinates scientists and lay people alike. A new equation may help weigh up the possibility
Sara Seager of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has done just that. Her equation collects together all the factors that could determine how many planets with detectable signs of life may be discovered in the coming years.
The factors include the number of stars that will be observed, the fraction of those stars with habitable planets, and the fraction of those planets that can be observed. First presented at a conference earlier this year, the equation is written as N = N*FQFHZFOFLFS. It was published yesterday in the online Astrobiology magazine.

7,500 year old circle in Armenia aligned to Cygnus brightest star

A new study into Armenia's Carahunge stone circle complex, has shown that it is arguably one of the oldest known megalithic sites outside of Turkey, dating to around 5500 BC. Moreover, investigations by Russian prehistorian Professor Paris Herouni indicate that Carahunge (car means "stone" in Armenian, and hunge means "voice" or "sound"), located some 200km from the Armenian capital Yerevan, not far from the town of Sisian, was created as an astronomical observatory marking the movement not only of the sun and moon, but also the stars.

Life on Mars? Well, maybe not?

In findings that are as scientifically significant as they are crushing to the popular imagination, NASA reported Thursday that its Mars rover, Curiosity, has deflated hopes that life could be thriving on Mars today.
The conclusion, published in the journal Science, comes from the fact that Curiosity has been looking for methane, a gas that is considered a possible calling card of microbes, and has so far found none of it. While the absence of methane does not rule out the possibility of present-day life on Mars — there are plenty of microbes, on Earth at least, that do not produce methane — it does return the idea to the realm of pure speculation without any hopeful data to back it up....
Scientists have long thought that Mars, warm and wet in its early years, could have been hospitable for life, and the new findings do not mean that it was not. But that was about three and a half billion years ago. Methane molecules break apart over a few centuries — victims of the Sun’s ultraviolet light and of chemical reactions in the atmosphere — so any methane in the air from primordial times would have disappeared long ago.

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